Sunday, May 31, 2015

Dad's 80th party, part 2

 Dad with his first cousin Ida.

 Grace -1

Grace -2
 Christine, Lisa, Eileen and Chanler
 Dinner was one of dads favorites, corned beef Rubens for all.
Put together by Dan, Jerome, Kami and Allie. The assembly line was cooking..

Friends,transplants from Michigan also, Dick and Char Belprez.
 Tibi, Jessie, Jason, Dan and Tim
Desert was: Birthday cake and a "POP"corn bar

The extra birthday babes, Chanler, Kellen and Tim

You could put your birthday wishes on a do-nut and add it to the photo screen that Mike built.

 Tibor and Stenner, brothers hanging out with the donut.

Kaitlyn Margie and Buffy

Every one came together, we had a fun filled day celebrating our dad!

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