Sunday, May 31, 2015

Dan at Warrior's game

Then we have the famous Dan.
He loves his basketball, so he goes to a Warrior game and this happens:
A long time friend saw Dan at the game and sent him this picture.

He has seats right behind this guy. So he sends a text to K, she might know who he is?

Dad's 80th party, part 3

A bunch of group shots:

Cousins in their donut shirts. 

 Christine and Jesse, (first time in Fullerton) it was fun to see them and share some family time.

Corrinne and Kaia put together a talent show for the evenings entertainment. 

It got a little chilly (even for California)  these 2 pictures are the crowd trying to stay warm.

 Jerome, Eileen, Lisa, KD, Cindy and Henry

Ryan and Papa Tom

Herb and Marilyn Benson chatting with Lisa.

Then you have to round them up to get the grand-kids and some great grand-kids.
(this is their BEST shot)

Dad and Sheila
Eileen hanging out with Chanler's boyfriend Kenton

Dad's 80th party, part 2

 Dad with his first cousin Ida.

 Grace -1

Grace -2
 Christine, Lisa, Eileen and Chanler
 Dinner was one of dads favorites, corned beef Rubens for all.
Put together by Dan, Jerome, Kami and Allie. The assembly line was cooking..

Friends,transplants from Michigan also, Dick and Char Belprez.
 Tibi, Jessie, Jason, Dan and Tim
Desert was: Birthday cake and a "POP"corn bar

The extra birthday babes, Chanler, Kellen and Tim

You could put your birthday wishes on a do-nut and add it to the photo screen that Mike built.

 Tibor and Stenner, brothers hanging out with the donut.

Kaitlyn Margie and Buffy

Every one came together, we had a fun filled day celebrating our dad!

Dad's 80th party, part 1

The day started with coffee and donuts. How could we celebrate Dad and not do donuts. 
With a jump house for the kids, some old photos and lots of great friends. 
Dad and Mom

This shot of the crowd, shows how full the yard was.
Everyone loves donuts, and the birthday wishes abounded.

 At the end, the total was 40 dozen,
 Tim, taking a turn, dad didn't want to get too far from the machine, the boys all took a turn at turning them out.
Tibor, always has the best shirts.

 Ben, Henry and Papa Tom
Nan with Jackson and Lyla
Jenna and Stenner
Bridget brought a basket full of Donut seeds for Nan's garden.

Math a thon

Corrinne got one of 10 spots on the school math team, representing her school in the ExxonMobil math competition. This is a team shot, watching the happenings. Go Primes!

Showing off her certificate. Good job Corrinne!

June Dates

1st – Ken Shannon’s Bday (1962)
1st – Christine & Jesse McIntyre’s Anny (2013)
2nd - Dad’s Birthday (1935)
5th – Mark Keller’s Bday (1962)
6th – Jenni and Michele Winn’s Anny (2014)
7th - Evan Trekhman’s Bday (2008)
9th - Ed & Kay Hoban’s Anny(1934)
8th – Gabriel Hoban’s Bday (1984)
19th – Scarlett Hoban’s Bday (2013)
19th – Jerry Gerigh’s Bday(1936)
20th -Seamus Eakle’s Bday (2009)
21st – Peg & Brian’s Anny (1963)

25th – Cindy Hoban’s Bday (1967)

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Dillon pulls a fast one:)

The San Diego bunch.
mom Kim posted this on FB:
On the day after my son Dillon Hoban's birthday he has his last speech in his Comm 103 class. The whole semester he has pretended to be an Irish foreign exchange student and did all his speech's in a Irish brogue. I was afraid he was going to end up in the Dean's office and kicked out of SDSU. He misses the Theater!!!! 
His final speech was on a special occasion and his was an "Acceptance Speech'. 
I so wish I could have been there to see the 'Stunned look' on his professors face!

This is a direct link to Dillon's speech.
This his Freshman speech class, Great job Dill, can't wait to see what your future brings.

Camerons party

Cousin time at Grandma's pool


Ben and Henry

Sharing some shots of Ben and Henry

Ben and Dan go to a basketball game, some father son time

 and this is how they do fudgesicles..

 lamb chop anyone?

Congratulations Dan!
This is the Fathers Day ad being placed by Trinchero Winery,
Dan made the list this year!

Nick's going away party

After 6 years in sunny California, Nick is moving back to Michigan. Sunday afternoon (04/27/15) we all got together to have one last game night for/with Nick. His request, Bridget put it together with her usual flair.
 Dessert table

 Games, Family, Food can it get any better??

 made by Aunt Sheila

Uncle Tom and Nick, 
Have a safe trip, enjoy your new house.