Saturday, March 1, 2014

A more shared shots

           Eileen with the Hartwick family, Bills parents Bob and Joyce, sister Coco and brother Robbie

                                       Tom and Fr Rick

                                        Ken and Cheryl

                sisters: Margie and Leen
                               cousins: Allie and Dillon
                                     Jenna, Sheila and Uncle Ed

                                 Rolland and Beth

                              Uncle Jim, Tim, Dan and Eileen

                                          Eileen and Joan, friends since grade school

                                       Jenna and Jason
                                 Kaia and Bridget
          cousins: Nic and Jessie with Uncle Jim and Jessie's beautiful new wife, Christine

                                       Eileen and Duggan, wearing her Minion hat Bill helped design

                                             brothers: Jim, Tom and Ed
                                                   sisters: Sheila and Marion
                                            Buyans and Hobans - California cousins.
                                    a very tired Tibor
                                   Bri and Duggan

                                more brothers: Jerome, Kevin and Ed

           Dan, Jerome, Lisa and Tibi pondering the next step.

                      Kevin, Ryan and Margie - better shot
                                        Enjoying the slow Saturday morning

                                                   Karen, Mom, Dad, and Denise

It was such an outpouring of love for the Hartwick family.
We are all so blessed to have such a wonderful family.

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