Sunday, April 28, 2013

Meeting the Family

Eileen meet Christine, Christine, Eileen. Dinner with Eileen and Bill in Havasu. 
Bill was the first family member Christine met. Eileen was not in the shop that day. 

So 1 down 99 to go, ha ha.

Christine, Jerome and Lyla
This past week, April 23rd, Christine was working in Long Beach. So we set up a meet with dinner at Kevin and Cindy's house. After getting the correct address number, she made it in time for a BBQ on the back patio. She met 3 more siblings and Aunt Sheila and Uncle Tom. Then we went in side to have desert and continue chatting. 

Christine, Kevin and Cindy

Sheila, Mom, Christine Cindy and Dad

Sheila and Christine
Everyone was very excited to meet Christine. 

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