Monday, January 30, 2012

For better for worse; In sickness and in health....

                                            That was then.....

“To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part."  Thirty five years ago we said these vows. And like all couples have had our betters and our worse, and sometimes poorer than richer. And this is not even the first time we’ve tested the in sickness and in health.  It just feels like it, maybe because it’s happening to me. This past month I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. In order to keep everyone in the know, I will try to keep the herald updated. So far we have come out of the fog, looked for answers, talked to doctors concerning treatment and prayed a lot. I have an appointment at City of Hope on Thursday for a consultation on treatment. But the surgery for a lumpectomy is already scheduled for Feb 8.  This will only change IF they tell me on Thurs, I really should go with the mastectomy.   Because breast cancer is a “One Size Fits All” illness, without a “one size fits all” cure it makes the not knowing very hard to deal with.  There are so many options & treatments; it is hard to make decisions when you don’t have all the answers. We are taking it one appointment at a time, praying for the best, keeping a VERY positive mind set and hoping not to use the last part of that vow just yet. Thanks you or all your love and prayers, Sheila Marie 

After 35 years.......

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