Thursday, May 5, 2011

Spring break 2011

What did you do this year for spring break?
Eileen spent it taking Nolan to various schools to try to make a decision for next year. Here's what she had to say about it:
The decision has been made....Nolan will be a Triton, at UC San Diego, studying Biology with a spec. in bio-informatics. Five hours from home, 20 minutes from Ed and Kim (his godparents), two hours from the rest of the family in OC. Now one last surge of scholarship apps, then graduation June 3, 2011!
That being all taken care of, she then took Bridget with her to Florida for her spring break. Eileen & Bill won a 5 day trip to the Napa conference in Florida through work. Bill couldn't go so she took Bridget. They had a great time together, here's a shot of them on the dinner cruise.

The Yorba Linda Hobans spent their break in New Orleans
I think they did all things FOOD. Can't find a better place for hunting & eating gaters:
here's Danya in the swamps.....

All they did was find the great spots to eat....

Tom checking it out

They were looking to spice up the trip...

Dane & Tom, eating somemore...

and you can't go to New Orleans with out getting beads. They had a wonderful trip & Tom learned some new cookin tips.

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