Saturday, December 11, 2010

the BIG party

Because her birthday is usually lost in the Christmas holidays, we couldn't let this one go by with out helping her celebrate. On Friday we had a 'Pegs & Jokers' game night for Eileen's 50Th birthday. This was the first time ever, all 10 siblings & spouses had gotten together with out kids to PARTY!! The gaming was great fun but the highlight was Eileen reading her card from the group. After graciously thanking everyone for being there, she read that card with a straight face and surprised all her brothers with the commitment for them to re-do her master bathroom. Well this was news to them, while everyone was in shock, she was laughing so hard she was in tears. "but that's what I wanted it to say" she said.

Mom made a cake worthy of the "Cake Boss" so Happy Birthday Eileen

Mom, Eileen & Dad

Diana Martin, Kim & Cheryl

Lisa & Jerome

Tom & Ed
Every one had a fun time, looking forward to the next game night, July sometime???

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