Dan & Judith drove down for a family weekend, they went to the
OC Fair, then dinner with the
Yorba Linda
Hoban's. On Saturday Dan got in some "guy time" helping dad with the stairs on the hill. We were teasing them they only came down for their baby fix, to meet Master
Tibor. Then as in any
Hoban gathering there are plenty of babies to get held & passed around, so here's Mom & Dan in the kitchen:

Uncle Tim & Master
Kellen playing in the water...

Jenna ready for the water.....

Roshan modeling.....aunt Judith's shoes & his new haircut.
Jahan practicing.... he'll be running soon, trying to keep up with Roshan..

Bridget & Margie, Twins...
KD, Dan & Kevin hanging out......
>Aunt Judith & Lyla.....
Grand Uncle Dan & Jenna
Like I said more than enough babies to share. The food as always was wonderful, thanks Margie for all the yummy deserts, see you all at the next event.
Today, Monday Aug 16 Dane left for college in Texas, he will be back at Thanksgiving to share all the stories of freshmen life in SMU. Good luck Dane, can't wait to hear your stories.
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