With help from the paint fairy.... Calleigh Rose,

This is what the kitchen looked like when Shawn & Marietta bought their house (July 08). For the last few weeks he has been updating it. Changing from electric to gas & new appliances. As all you homeowners know, any reno project is a labor of love, but it always goes faster when you have helpers.

getting rid of the z-brick was a real chore, he ended up replacing the drywall.

Seamus helps when ever mom lets him play with daddys toys
This is what it looks like almost finished. Just need to get the doors back on again. Marietta is VERY happy to have her new stove. Anyone looking for a 1970's avacado oven? going cheap on creigs list.
Good job Shawn!
Look at those kids...so cute! Seamus looks like he's having lots of fun with that drill!
ReplyDelete...u had a green oven??!! ahahaha!!