The Belprez family had a whole family gathering this summer. Starting with David and family coming in from England, they spent the 4th of July with the Yorba Linda Hoban's.

Tom and Dave
Corissa and Dawn
Freddie, Cheryl and Dawn
Pool volley ball
Freddie, Dave and Calum
Dawn, at Dick and Chars house, waiting for all the adopt a cousins. Hobans and Buyans, July 10.
Ann and Rod came in from Texas with their family. Steven and his wife from New York, daughter Lauren with her fiance and new baby Brant. Tom came in from Nashville, Mike, Lorraine and family up from San Diego. Full House!!
Scott, Dave, Ed, Tom, Eileen, Kevin, Tom, Margie, Mike, missing Ann and Sheila
Eileen and Ann
Here are a few shots I took before running out....
Char and Kim
Lorraine and Dick
Mom Hoban, Marie and her new boyfriend, (first time family event,)
Look who got a hold of baby Brant.
After the gathering they spent the week together, surfing, Disneyland, fishing and just being together
Surf lessons with the cousins
Calum, Ann and Dawn
"Fishing with my dad", Dick and Dave
Dick, Tom and Calum - it was a good day to be on the water.