Saturday, October 25, 2014

One night at Nan's

The Hoban's visiting the Hoban's

Gracie turns 11

 Grandma Peg aunt Mary Kay watch Gracie
 The party bunch, waiting for the cake

Sharon turns 60

Tim and Shannon threw a surprise party for Sharon's 60th


Patsy and Shannon

Happy Birthday Sharon, you only turn 39 once!

San Fran Hoban's

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness: Dan and Judith, pushing the 2 boys, ran the San Francisco 5k . She pushed the boys and came across the finish line in under 30 minutes. The MC called her out "as the fastest mom pushing wheels". She was only a couple of minuets after Dan.

Then later that week Ben got to go on a trip to see Nan and Papa Tom.

Dad and Ben on the plane

Nan's best car in the lot. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hartwick - Black Beach Wedding

Rolland and Bethany Hartwick

The weekend started with a road trip to Rocky Point, Mexico. Eileen had rented a beautiful house, it was huge - 9 bedrooms. Beautiful beach view all day, sunrise to sunset.
So these photos start at the end, the wedding. The evening ceremony was lovely, held in another huge house, 4 stories that looked like a wedding cake itself. After the ceremony, they all went to take photos on the beach, while the tide was out and the sun was setting. The tacos were da bomb. The dancing went on till everyone went swimming at 9:00 pm.    

The Hartwicks

Beth's beautiful crown of shells
#1,2,3,4,9 and 10 with Mom 
Chandler and Kenton
The wedding on the patio, level 4 the next set of stairs is to the sand
the view from the water , only 3 to 4 inches deep

cutting the cake

Tibi and KD enjoying the view? watching the tide come in ?
Tom helping the ladies cool off.

On Friday night we went on a harbor cruise aprox 2 hours
on the bay
Eileen with her Pride and Joy, all in the same spot:)
Jerome, Cheryl, Tom, Kevin and Lisa

Rolland, Nolan and Kenton

Then the father of the bride took a jump off the back of the boat on the way back, so the groom, a brother and an uncle took a dive off the top, they all had to swim back in some pretty choppy water, but everyone made it back in one piece.

Kevin in the water

3 nuts, must be related

The first day, the view and a walk on the beach
 the view at low tide

the view from our patio, high tide

 morning walks on the beach, after breakfast the hotel Hoban's come out to spend the day on the beach with the nutty group from Needles.
KD and Eileen strike a pose

There  are a ton of photos, this is only a few to share the weekend, it was a great family time. Congratulations Rolland and Beth, thanks for sharing the fun!

The Buyans

 OMG, it's Rachel's senior year and she was nominated as a princess, for Homecoming court at Edison High. This is the parade with her boyfriend AJ.

Surprise, they became the Homecoming Queen and King!
Her dad was in shock, but its OK Scott, next time you will know what to expect for Savanna.

Dina and Adian

School started - check
weather change - check
time for a photo shoot - check

love these, great shots, coming soon to a Christmas card......

the BIG 4th

Noella turned 4, I think she celebrated all week like the big kids. Here she is celebrating at home...

 to cute this mini me, she looks a lot like her mom