Sunday, November 24, 2013

End of the month, looking at December

 Adrienne and Noelle on the train ride at a holiday glow festival

 Kaia and Jenna - dress rehearsal for their upcoming dance recital.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Danya's dance

Ok, is not a high school homecoming dance, but at SMU 
Danya is going to a Beta dance with her friend Sam.
Thanks for sharing.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Watts Update

Keeping up with the Watts:
 Jenna at dance class, getting ready for her recital
 Jacob, playing flag football on the school team
 The whole family went to a UCLA game, here's Kellen watching the wave going around the stadium
 Jenna doing the wave,
 Jason and Bridget

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Ten Nine Brewing

                           COUSINS, Lynn and Katie support Jamie at a beer event in Chicago.


                                                  Allie and friends ready for her Senior Homecoming

Hoban Ninja's

Shots from the travelers

Cindy sent some shots of Corrinne, having her favorite breakfast treat: meringue, showing off her holiday decorated door and as Lola for Halloween. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Nan for the decorations.
Corrinne was Lola from Hanna Montana

Monday, November 4, 2013

November Dates

1st - Shannon and Kevin Gramer Anny (2010)
5th - Dina Hoban (1975)
5th - Mary Kay Else (1940)
7th - Fr. Rick Sera
13th - Jacob Watts’ Birthday (2001)
16th - Lisa’s birthday (1971)
20th - Tom’s Birthday (1959)
21st – Isabelle Cameron’s Bday (2002)
22th - Brian Cameron's Bday
23rd - John and Margaret Duggan Anny (1925)
26th – Adrienne Wisda Saxton (1984)
27th - Mom’s Birthday (1937)
27th – Henry’s Bday (2012)

More Halloween shots

                                  You have to start the day with pancakes,
the cute witch Noelle,

                               Miss Scarlett is a cabbage patch doll
                      Then we have a couple of kitty's, Danya and her friends

                                     Owen and Anisley

                           Sage and Evan

                             Kaitlyn with Ben and Henry

                                   the Dublin Hobans

                                    the San Francisco Hoban's

 Jackson and Lyla are all ready they went out with the Molnars

the Molnars

                                           the East Coast Eakles, with their neighbor

Sheila's1st Birthday

Finally got some shots from Sheila Kathleen's 1st birthday.

                                    all dressed up for her big day.

 Mommy made her banana monkey cake
at the end of the day its a family tradition to go to Chuck E Cheese.
                                Happy Birthday Sheilalala, we love you.