Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dinner of the Month

This month the Hoban house in Long Beach is host. Wonder what Corrinne is cooking up for dinner with Nan & Papa Tom?

October dates

7th - Kevin’s Birthday (1962)
8th - Jackson’s Birthday (2006)
16th - Ed & Kim’s Anniversary (1993)
16th - Tibi’s Birthday (1979)
22th - Jason Watts Birthday (1973)
23rd- Jahan’s Birthday (2009)
29th - Nolan’s Birthday (1993)

Bridgets BDay

WOW, 33 years, really? Your all grown up with a family of your own to drive you crazy! Have a great day with the kids & enjoy the movies. We'll have cake on Sunday at the BBQ. Love you, our beautiful daughter Bridget, Happy Birthday!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Welcome Baby Saxton

Friday, Sept 17, 2010. Scott & Adrienne Welcomed baby Noella Claire at 12:00pm. Important stats are 7lbs, 3oz 20in and just beautiful. Grandma & Grandpa (Colleen & Tom) welcome her with open arms & I'm sure Uncle Nick will fall in love too. After delivering at noon, Scott had to go sign the papers for their new house, so all in one day a new baby & a new home. Welcome to the family Miss Noella! Wow, Adrienne looks wonderful after the delivery....
And here's daddy, Scott.......

One with Grandma Colleen....

Thank you Face book.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

just info

Sept 15 was Cheryl's birthday, she celebrated it very quietly. But we hope she had a great day and a wonderful year to look forward to.
On monday the 20th Dan & Judith celebrated 2 years of wedded bliss. The time just flys by, seems we were just there for that beautiful day in the park. We hope you did something fun together and had a great day. Happy Anniversary!!
Mom & Dad spent the last weekend traveling up to see Dan & Judith. They stopped at Denise & Jims for a night then on to San Fran fror a few days. Mom said it was a very fun weekend.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Allie's Golden Birthday

Sept 14 is Allie's day, man time flies. It's her golden Birthday! That means she's turning 14 on the 14th and its a very special day, it only happens once in your lifetime. Allie is the Shannon's new freshman this year. (and Bridget & Lyla's God sista, so she's in great company) As the school year only started today we'll have to see what time brings for her. We hope you have a great day and a wonderful freshman year. You go girl!!!


Here are the oldest photos I have of Ed & Kay, I have scanned them all and returned the originals to Mom. Here is Ed & a couple of school chum's 1930? then here's Ed don't know where, looks like he has a hat hanging down his back, And Kay & Ed at the swimming hole, in Alpena? Both photos are dated 1934.

Here is the only photo I've ever seen of their wedding day. (We all have a copy of their formal portrait.) This is one of Ed's brothers that stood up for him.

Here is Kay with Tom & ES, pregnant with MaryKay, as the clothes are the same in the one with Ed & the boys, one is dated 1939 the other 1940? I'm guessing Easter time?

This is Kay, Spring 1946 it's dated with MaryKay & PeggyLou. ES is on the swing in the background. Does anyone know where the rest of the wedding pictures are? I would love to scan them then return them. I'm still going through Mom's photo's trying to get everything scanned in so I will have some more to post soon, hope you enjoyed this blast to the past......

Friday, September 10, 2010

New additions at the Shannons

OK, so the Shannons have some new additions. Bre's ginny pig had triplets this week, meet Teddy, Charlie & Wink.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Happy Birthday KD

Today is KD's 33 anniversary of her birth. This is the updated family photo for all to see. Have a great day KD, enjoy your beautiful family.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy Anniversary, Happy Anniversary!!

Today is Ken & Margie's 20Th anniversary. WOW! Seems like yesterday we were dancing up a storm & all Kens frat brothers were showing off their tattoo's. Here they are 4 kids, a mortgage and I can't guess how many ginny pigs later still in love with life and each other. We wish you the best and many more years of health, wealth & happiness.