WOW, 33 years, really? Your all grown up with a family of your own to drive you crazy! Have a great day with the kids & enjoy the movies. We'll have cake on Sunday at the BBQ. Love you, our beautiful daughter Bridget, Happy Birthday!!
Friday, Sept 17, 2010. Scott & Adrienne Welcomed baby Noella Claire at 12:00pm. Important stats are 7lbs, 3oz 20in and just beautiful. Grandma & Grandpa (Colleen & Tom) welcome her with open arms & I'm sure Uncle Nick will fall in love too. After delivering at noon, Scott had to go sign the papers for their new house, so all in one day a new baby & a new home. Welcome to the family Miss Noella! Wow, Adrienne looks wonderful after the delivery....
Sept 15 was Cheryl's birthday, she celebrated it very quietly. But we hope she had a great day and a wonderful year to look forward to. On monday the 20th Dan & Judith celebrated 2 years of wedded bliss. The time just flys by, seems we were just there for that beautiful day in the park. We hope you did something fun together and had a great day. Happy Anniversary!! Mom & Dad spent the last weekend traveling up to see Dan & Judith. They stopped at Denise & Jims for a night then on to San Fran fror a few days. Mom said it was a very fun weekend.
Sept 14 is Allie's day, man time flies. It's her golden Birthday! That means she's turning 14 on the 14th and its a very special day, it only happens once in your lifetime. Allie is the Shannon's new freshman this year. (and Bridget & Lyla's God sista, so she's in great company) As the school year only started today we'll have to see what time brings for her. We hope you have a great day and a wonderful freshman year. You go girl!!!
Here are the oldest photos I have of Ed & Kay, I have scanned them all and returned the originals to Mom. Here is Ed & a couple of school chum's 1930? then here's Ed don't know where, looks like he has a hat hanging down his back, And Kay & Ed at the swimming hole, in Alpena? Both photos are dated 1934.
Here is the only photo I've ever seen of their wedding day. (We all have a copy of their formal portrait.) This is one of Ed's brothers that stood up for him.
Here is Kay with Tom & ES, pregnant with MaryKay, as the clothes are the same in the one with Ed & the boys, one is dated 1939 the other 1940? I'm guessing Easter time?
This is Kay, Spring 1946 it's dated with MaryKay & PeggyLou. ES is on the swing in the background. Does anyone know where the rest of the wedding pictures are? I would love to scan them then return them. I'm still going through Mom's photo's trying to get everything scanned in so I will have some more to post soon, hope you enjoyed this blast to the past......
Today is Ken & Margie's 20Th anniversary. WOW! Seems like yesterday we were dancing up a storm & all Kens frat brothers were showing off their tattoo's. Here they are 4 kids, a mortgage and I can't guess how many ginny pigs later still in love with life and each other. We wish you the best and many more years of health, wealth & happiness.